
MLA Hradya Ram playing with Folk Musical Instrument Hulak.

Chief Minister PK Dhumal at Sangrah in Massive Election rally.

MSME Minister of India Virbhadra Singh grieved over the untimely death of Dr. Prem Singh

Thousands of people participated in Cremation of MLA Dr. Prem.

Badminton Champion Arju Awarded by the peoples of Sangrah

Ramlila Stage Show in Baunal village of Sangrah.

Black-Belter Radhik won three Gold Medals in Karate Championship.

Lord Shirgul Temple Choordhar.

President of SABBF Amit Swami with the winners of 8th Bodybuilding Championship.

Paratrooper Kapil Dev awarded by President of India with Shaurya Chakra.

Shaurya Chakra winner Paratrooper Kapil Dev